
iainr avatar image
iainr asked

Motorhome earthing

I am installing a Victron Inverter VE Direct 12/800.

Should the inverter chasis earth be connected to the vehicle chasis?

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1 Answer
marcve avatar image
marcve answered ·

It is always wise to ground 110/220 volt equipment. However, when you ground your inverter to the chassis and run the inverter, you will have no "real" ground, since your motorhome is on wheels which insulate the motorhome from ground. When you are parked and you are using the inverter, it is wise to use a copper or steel rod, connected to your motorhome, and stick it in the ground.

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cgogs avatar image cgogs commented ·

"When you are parked and you are using the inverter, it is wise to use a copper or steel rod, connected to your motorhome, and stick it in the ground. "

Is this correct? From what I understand electricity wants to get back to the source of power, in this case an Invertor, The invertor power has no desire to go to physical Terra firma. The reason domestic AC sources are physically grounded is that power stations ground the neutral to earth (terra firma) so grounding circuits to physical earth gives them that return to source circuit. An AC invertor has no desire to get back to physical earth and as such a copper or steel earth rod achieves nothing.

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Ground, earth and electrical safety

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