
mtnhillsman avatar image
mtnhillsman asked

Configuring MPPT 150/100-Tr VE.Can using USB dongle

Hi, Having some trouble configuring my Victron MPPT 150/100-Tr VE.Can using the VE.Can rj45 port and the MK3-USB dongle. I have the dongle successfully installed on my laptop and it picks up my Multiplus-II just fine but i can't get it to detect the MPPT when connected to the VE.Can rj-45 port. I suspect it's not meant to work this way from the manual and what i'm reading but that's pretty annoying since it's the same interface. Looks like i need to purchase the VE.Direct Bluetooth dongle to manage it but as it stands it looks like i'm stuck with the default settings and the rotary switch pre-sets until i can order the Bluetooth dongle or get the VE.Can adapter working. Anyone have any feedback on this? Thanks very much.

MPPT SmartSolar
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5 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

This sounds like one of those questions where all the answers are already clearly documented in a product manual.

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Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

use Victron connect from your Bluetooth phone to configure it. I've got one of these, and it configures fine either on VE direct or with the Bluetooth...

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mtnhillsman avatar image
mtnhillsman answered ·

yeah i already read the manual and that's why i'm posting here. the port says VE.Can, the usb adapter says VE.Can, yet it does not come up in the windows application. i can't use victron connect on a smartphone because that relies on bluetooth which is not natively built into the MPPT. you need the VE Direct bluetooth dongle for that. I thought i'd have all bases covered with the USB dongle but apparently not.

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Mike Dorsett avatar image Mike Dorsett commented ·
Mine has Bluetooth..

If it says Smart Solar on the front, yours does too. However, bluetooth can be turned off in the configuration, then you DO need the VE direct cable to turn it back on.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

As per the manual it is a VE bus device, not CAN device.

Supported devices for configuration:


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mtnhillsman avatar image
mtnhillsman answered ·

Thanks. yeah that's it. usb adapter is VE.Bus and the MPPT is VE.Can. What a pain.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
That mppt should have native blueteeth and all parameters configurable via VC app.
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