
lasho avatar image
lasho asked

CerboGX - remotely shut down Quattro Inverter

Hi Everybody,

Being a new user to Victron products and renewable energy solutions, I just wanted to begin by thanking the community and Victron Support staff for making the experience that much easier and pleasant for the newbies like me :-). Keep up the great work.

I am currently using a Cerbo GX connected to 2 x MPPT's and a Quattro 48 Volt 8KVA Inverter with a Freedom Won battery. Are there any plans to include a setting on the Cerbo GX remote console (or Victron API) to remotely power off or change the inverter state to "Charge only"?

The scenario I am thinking about is, If I am not at home and its during the night and there is a Grid outage, with the small battery capacity that I currently have, I would like to save battery life and utilize the system again when grid power returns.

If this option is not available yet natively, can anyone indicate if this is planned for the near future?

Thanks in advance

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @lasho, and welcome to Victron.

You just haven't looked hard enough..


'Switch' is the first line in the Quattro section. Click on it..

And when you get more familiar, you could arrange for VRM to email you when your system errors.

1634034454454.png (48.8 KiB)
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lasho avatar image lasho commented ·

Hi @JohnC , Thanks for the response. I had a look around and for some reason I don't see the "Switch" option on the remote Console. I am assuming you get to the "Quattro" device from the very first page right? I have attached what I can see displayed. Please advise.Advanced.jpgDevice_1.jpgDevice_2.jpgQuattro_1.jpg

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advanced.jpg (64.2 KiB)
device-1.jpg (57.9 KiB)
device-2.jpg (60.7 KiB)
quattro-1.jpg (68.8 KiB)
JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ lasho commented ·


On your screen headed 'Quattro', scroll up ~9 or 10 lines. Hopefully 'Switch' is there, and not scrubbed by ESS or something..

Use the keypad on the right, not those indicators below the text.

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lasho avatar image lasho JohnC ♦ commented ·

@JohnC , Thanks that helped. Scroll keys work much better. Thank you and much appreciated.

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