
Paul Carmichael avatar image
Paul Carmichael asked

Actual minimum input dc voltage for quattro 48/8000

I have a quattro 48/8000. There are 24 lead acid 910ah batteries connected and after 6 years they are looking a bit tired. When the sun goes down they are at 100% but by morning that is 70-80%. Sounds fine? But the voltage makes it unusable. If I try to make breakfast before the sun comes up, the voltage drops to below 44 and alarms go off. Looking at the book, the minimum voltage is 38. Can it go below that? I'm just trying to delay the big spend on lithium. I'm thinking of starting with 6 pylontech us2000s, but that is going to cost me 6000€+. The lead acid batteries cost me 8000€ just 6 years ago.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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Paul Carmichael avatar image Paul Carmichael commented ·
For anyone reading this. (This should really be placed somewhere public and obvious).

I was convinced my batteries were dead and that I'd have to find around 10,000€ to replace them.

I then realised just how long the panels are without sun. I've always thought, "oh that doesn't use much" but it adds up big time. It had got to the stage where we couldn't have breakfast before the sun was on the panels. Yesterday, I put the garage dehumidifier on a timer and swapped a 75w filament bulb night light for a 4.5w led bulb. This morning the batteries were at 87% and 47.7V. Lovely breakfast at 9am. 15-16 hours is a long time using 700w from lead acid batteries. During that time we were using some 9 - 11kW/h.

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

The min dc shutdown you can set is 37.2 in ve config in the ess assistant its 36 and this overrides the ve config setting



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Paul Carmichael avatar image Paul Carmichael commented ·
Thanks for that. I'll have to dig out the laptop and mk3. I suppose I could set the shutdown at 37.2 and the warning at 40. Maybe that'll give me another 6 months use out of the batteries :-)
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Paul Carmichael avatar image Paul Carmichael commented ·
PS: I don't know what an ess assistant is. I'm pretty sure I don't have one.
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Paul Carmichael avatar image Paul Carmichael commented ·
Done that. Warning voltage min is 41.2 which is also "restart" voltage. I have no idea what that is. We'll see what happens when I put the toaster on in the morning.
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