
marcp72 avatar image
marcp72 asked

Multiplus will not connect to grid power

Hi, having issues when connecting to grid power, the Multiplus just keeps switching back to inverter when the switching to grid taskbar completes on Victron connect using MK3. The circuit breaker light comes on then goes off immediately and a switch noise is heard from the Multiplus. Model is 12/1200/50. Just purchased the MK3 usb to try and eliminate but all settings seem ok, updated to the latest firmware. Any help appreciated, thanks Marc

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


I am assuming you do not have a grid code set here. Sometimes unchecking ups helps and also allowing wide frequency range if that alone does not work.

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marcp72 avatar image marcp72 commented ·
Hi, I have both settings as you state but no improvement, I do not have the grid code set as cannot access that through victron connect and as I have a Mac I cannot use the other software to edit the Multiplus, again, any further comments/assistance is really appreciated
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marcp72 avatar image marcp72 marcp72 commented ·
Also charger light will not come on the Multiplus but I assume that is because it does not recognise any grid power to activate it.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ marcp72 commented ·
Does it connect in charger only?
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alessio-tosi avatar image alessio-tosi Alexandra ♦ commented ·

I have the same issue,

in Inverter mode the Switching to grid progress bar goes to empty but get stuck and keeps using battery to invert even with AC input present


If I switch to charger only and disable the charger in the settings it goes to passthrough mode


If I switch to ON charge start and AC is passthrough.


UPS mode enabled
country grid selected

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