
Javier Pardo avatar image
Javier Pardo asked

String prevalence with minimal loads

Currently I have installed 2 strings of solar panels, each connected to a Victron MPPT Smart Solar.

While the batteries are being charged, both strings work at their maximum performance.

Once the batteries are charged and my system only needs power for the loads, one of the two strings (normally number 1) lowers its production to a minimum if the loads do not require more power than string 2 can produce.


String 1: 16 panels 400w - Victron Smart Solar 250|100

String 2: 12 panels 400w - Victron Smart Solar 250|85

Both MPPT externally controlled by Venus GX

My question is the following: Is there any way to control which of the two strings is the one that prevails in this situation?

Would it be possible to choose which of the two strings continues to work when the load requirements are low?


MPPT Controllers
2 |3000

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Please be more precise about your system.

Panels? String configuration? What MPPT?

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Javier Pardo avatar image Javier Pardo Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
String 1: 16 panels 400w - Victron Smart Solar 250|100

String 2: 12 panels 400w - Victron Smart Solar 250|85

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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Set the absorption and float voltages slightly higher on the MPPT that you want to run when the load is low, this one will keep the voltage above the set point of the other MPPT so the lower set point one will stop producing power.

2 |3000

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Javier Pardo avatar image Javier Pardo commented ·

Both MPPT are controlled by my Venus GX, Is it possible to configure this when the Venus GX takes care of the MPPT configuration?

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell Javier Pardo commented ·
I am not sure what you mean by this. If you have lithium and some form of charge control from the BMS / Venus that then you may not be able to do anything, but I am not familiar with this. If you are charging lead acid you should be able you should be able to configure the two controllers with different voltages.

You need to specify more of the system.

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Javier Pardo avatar image Javier Pardo pwfarnell commented ·
I have lithium and Venus GX as controller.

Not possible to decide what string is prevelant?

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