
Paul Carmichael avatar image
Paul Carmichael asked

Suggestions for mppt replacement

This is really a question for Victron. I have 2 150/60 mppts hung off 2 banks of 5 triplets. So 30 panels giving me between 75 and 100 volts from each bank of 15 panels. I think we all know by now that these chargers do not play well together in parallel, so I'm thinking of swapping them out for one unit that can cope with both banks of panels. Any suggestions?

MPPT Controllers
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6 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Paul Carmichael

I note from another thread you also have a CCGX and a BMV. The newer smart networking is an alternative to what you have now, but won't be useful concurrently. Even if you had bluetooth.

What you're seeing really doesn't matter much (if at all, maybe if the Absorb programs don't match), but you could consider invoking DVCC to minimise this. With both mppts using the same-sourced Voltage and Temp sensors they should target the exact same V. And you could terminate Abs with the Current reading from the BMV, so both should finish Abs together.

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ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

If they are smartsolar, have you tried smartnetworking them? Also, why specifically do you say they are not working well together?

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Paul Carmichael avatar image
Paul Carmichael answered ·

It's actually been discussed here quite a bit, if I remember correctly. The output from each mppt varies wildly. Also, once the batteries get to about 85% the one charger simply goes into absorbtion leaving the other to do all the charging. The history shows a difference daily of some 10-30% between the chargers. I've not heard of smartnetworking. Will have to look it up. Is it something new? My chargers are 6 years old.

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

Maybe worth exploring it and with the firmware updates you may be able to. It is not suited to all setups, but it explains much of it here. You can check hardware compatibility here. The calculator can help you find a right match for your panels. Without more specific details, I can only hazard a guess that a 250/100 may be close, but the amps temps etc. has to also be considered so the calculator is the best way forward.

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Paul Carmichael avatar image
Paul Carmichael answered ·

Hmm. Just looked it up. It looks like I have to spend 150€ on 3 dongles for the blue solar mppts and the bmv700 before I even start. Then all would be synchronised, correct?

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Paul Carmichael avatar image
Paul Carmichael answered ·

Thanks both. So I enable DVCC and all will be well. My concern was mostly that half the system is getting hot while the other half is resting. I wonder if default settings in DVCC will do? I'll have a look.

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Paul Carmichael avatar image
Paul Carmichael answered ·

Enabled DVCC. Now both chargers are giving me 2kw, but one's in bulk and the other absorbtion.

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·
You don't muck about, ha. Take your time and get a feel for it. Bear in mind that STS (if selected) is now giving your mppts a running Temp reading, so if you're using T Compensation then you now have that in real-time. And SCS will need a careful look at the mppt's Tail setting to terminate Abs when the BMV Current reaches what you want.

Be patient, see what happens..

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Paul Carmichael avatar image Paul Carmichael JohnC ♦ commented ·
Thanks. I wish I had a clue what you're talking about.
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Paul Carmichael avatar image Paul Carmichael JohnC ♦ commented ·

Oh. Since enabling DVCC the muppets and the BMV have vanished from the Victron Connect app on my phone.

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Paul Carmichael avatar image Paul Carmichael commented ·
I think you just saved me 150€. I'm seeing better behaviour already.
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