
skippyupover avatar image
skippyupover asked

MPPT 75/15 smartsolar load to connect directly to 12v ebike charger


I have a mppt 75/15 smartsolar controller loading my leisure battery. I also have a 12v Ebike battery charger.

I am thinking about connecting this directly to the load output of the controller rather than the battery since it would be quite possible for the battery to get emptied quite quickly.

Basically, if the sun is shining then charge the the ebike battery, if not, tough cheese...

Can I just expect to connect it and it runs, or is there something special to consider here?

Many tnx for any feedback


MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

This sort of thing is test and see the result as every ones setup and requirements are different.

. my concern would be that you may have voltage ouput stability issues due to low sunlight and lots of other possibilities from time to time.

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