
shale-audio avatar image
shale-audio asked

Quattro 15000 in parallel to obtain 24kw and 400 amp charging from AC microinverters

Rooftop- 14kw producing 240v AC down to the grid

I want to insert two Quattro 15000 in parallel so that I can manage to charge my 70kWh batteries during the time the sun is out, and run the house as well.

Will this work? How will I utilize the autotransformer in order to share power output? Shared battery input and output?

Net metering is a concern because of 50% payback, I want to suck in all of the power I can from the sun into batteries for later use, but also allow feed to the grid when batteries are full so that I at least get my 50%

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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3 Answers
shaneyake avatar image
shaneyake answered ·

There are a couple ways to do this.

First question, do you want to run your house off the Quattro's if you lose grid?
If so then you will need a sub panel that fed from the output of the Quattro's -> Autotransformer -> Sub panel.
Do you want to still have your PV availably if you lose grid?
If so then PV needs to be on that sub panel and if Enphase the Envoy will need to be there too.

If not then you can just attach input of Quattro's to your main panel and install an EM24.

Each Quattro 15k can charge up to 200A witch is 9.6kw at 48v and 11.2kw at 56V. If you are using lithium batteries then the voltage will be somewhere between that. 2 of them will give you plenty of capacity.

Victron Autotransformer can only handle 28A (3.3kw eish) of imbalance if you have more than that then you will need 2 of them. Installing them is very simple. Quattro output to Autotransformer circuit breaker. The Autotransformer then has a screen terminal with L1 - N - L2 that feeds your sub panel.

Hope that helps.

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shale-audio avatar image
shale-audio answered ·

Yes I want to be able to run house off Quattro if Grid is lost. My thought was Quattro -> Main Panel (with the main lugs not running to the panel but to the Quattro?) Or are you saying to put a sub panel that then connects to a ? amp breaker on the main panel. I am guessing at least 120-150 amps to handle the back feed from the solar?

Yes definitely want PV to work if we lose grid.

So just run each Quattro to shared tie points on the autotransformer and on the batteries for charging, simple enough. Pretty much all of my high loads are from 240 draw, so imbalance shouldn't be as much of a concern.

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shaneyake avatar image shaneyake commented ·

You will need breakers upstream from the Quattro's. So you can install a little panel.
Grid - > Main breaker Double Pole(Rated for grid supply) -> Split
Quattro 1 Main Breaker Double Pole 100A -> Quattro 1 Input
Quattro 2 Main Breaker Double Pole 100A -> Quattro 2 Input

Quattro 1 Output -> Breaker Double Pole 100A -> Join -> Autotransformer input.
Quattro 2 Output -> Breaker Double Pole 100A -> Join

Autotransformer has it's own breaker. Autotransformer output then feeds your main panel.

Your 14kw of solar will only produce 58A at 240V. You loads will use some of this and only what is left will make it's way to the Quattro.

For panels you can use a DIN panel if your code allows. This would allow you to put all these breakers in one panel. With this setup you are able to isolate each inverter for maintenance or if you have a problem.

Also just so you are aware the Quattro-II are coming out in the next month or so. I wouldn't buy anything till those are fully announced.

Where are you located?

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shale-audio avatar image shale-audio shaneyake commented ·

I was not aware, thank you! I am in North Carolina, USA

I drew this out but it sounds like I would need to move my loads from the main panel with the mains and into another panel. I am having trouble visualizing this with the two Quattros and the AC from the roof and not wanting to charge my batteries from the grid, only from the roof, but also accomplishing net metering (which may not be possible without additional control systems?)


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1633446597905.png (28.8 KiB)
shaneyake avatar image
shaneyake answered ·

This is what it would look like. This would not charge batteries from grid unless they went below your min SOC, this only happens after a grid outage.quattro-15000-in-parallel.png

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shale-audio avatar image shale-audio commented ·
Thank you very much, this was helpful!
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