
mjrobichaud avatar image
mjrobichaud asked

Quattro quite noisy - high pitch

Brand new quattro 12/5000/220 - fired up for the first time and it’s really quite noisy with a high-pitched chirping noise, as if there is some interference. Is this common or potentially a defect? Thanks in advance.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


It sounds like the rather large capacitor bank is having a hard time charging up for its initial start, if you have lithium it may be the precharge curcuit is not coping. Have you connected to AC yet to help with that?

2 |3000

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mjrobichaud avatar image mjrobichaud commented ·
Thanks, @Alexandra! This is installed on a canal boat in the UK - I'm currently just running off 400Ah of lithium batteries connected to a solar array. I will have AC power in only occasionally when moored. Primary use will just be from the battery bank (and then charging when the motor is on, or when the generator is on when installed)

I've noticed the sound doesn't stop - even after being on for a few hours.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ mjrobichaud commented ·

Do you have a gx device and vrm account?

Also your battery bank cable size? Can the 400ah battery bank give the discharge amps needed for the capacity of the inverter you are running? (Capacity and discharge currents are different)
4000W at 12v is 416Amps. Quite hefty.

The sound seems pretty normal for a low voltage system. To answer your origional question though. Do yourself a favor and run a full capacity tes, if you are certain your batteries and wiring xan handle it. If nothing fails during that test you should be golden.

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