
mtnhillsman avatar image
mtnhillsman asked

Multiplus II "assisting" issue

Multiplus II 12/3000:

Weird issue on my newly installed unit when i try and purposefully make the unit go into "Assisting". This is an RV install so let's say I'm connected to a 15a circuit, have the roof AC going, and have a current limit set to 14 amps. This is right around the threshold where my batteries are still charging at ~6 amps and the AC is taking ~1400 watts. At this point i hit the microwave for 30 seconds to force the multiplus to go into Assisting mode to make up the difference. It works but the AC in watts drops to 800 and the DC load goes negative to 140 or so amps. Still at this point this sort of makes sense. At this point i kill the microwave and the inverter is still assisting in a ~40 amp deficit. AC in reading ~800W AC out reading ~1400W.

At this point it just hangs there and continues to draw the 40 amps out of the batteries. i have 8x 105ah lead acids and they'll take that for some time - so i wait. What's happening? will it come out on its own? Nope. just sits there for 5 minutes drawing 40 amps from the batteries and 800 watts from AC in.

2nd example of this today: testing on my mini honda eu2000i as the AC source - current limiter on the victron set to 13 amps and i turn on the roof AC. Starts fine and the load gradually ramps up to 1400 watts. (i'm using a micro air easy start). At this point i'm not in assist and all current is coming from the honda and the batteries are charging at 10-15 amps. so in testing i decide to lower the current limiter on the victron one amp at a time until it goes into assist mode. it goes into assist with the current limit set to 10 or 11 amps but the same thing happens. AC in drops to ~800 watts and it abruptly starts taking 39 amps from the batteries. i start working up the current limiter slowly and waiting a minute after each change realizing there's a delay. The multiplus remains in assist until i hit 15 amps which is beyond what the honda can offer but i seem to need to make extreme changes to kick it out of assist. at 15 amps it does indeed go out of assist and draw the entire load from AC in once again.

Anyone experience this? firmware update? is this in any way normal? i feel like i will need to keep a close eye on this while camping. if i warm up some coffee in teh microwave with the AC going while camping i feel like the victron will stick in assist and draw my batts down.

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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·

first of all are you on the latest firmwares for the multi 487 is the latest. Then test again and advise. Also it would help to know the battery voltages at the time as well like when it went into assist and when it comes out, let it go for say 30 min then advise results

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bnelson avatar image bnelson commented ·


Did you ever resolve this? I'm seeing the exact same behavior with my Multiplus (I) 12/3000.

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mtnhillsman avatar image mtnhillsman bnelson commented ·

no i never resolved it. sorry for the late reply. i came to realize once i built out the solar portion of the system it mattered little since the majority of the overall draw would need to be DC anyway. guess not so much at night. but no i dont think i ever got around to even updating the firmware or re-testing. If i do i'll update this but it has not been a priority lately. The issue does continue to remain in the back of my head as an irritation though so stay tuned.

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1 Answer
jasonsele avatar image
jasonsele answered ·

I posted another question and found this because it is the same issue I am experiencing with the Victron Quattro. Once a high load triggers Assisting from my batteries it does not come out of that mode and will just drain my batteries despite being plugged in to shore power. I'm wondering if there is a way to setup a Virtual Switch or Assistant that can take it out of Assisting mode. Right now I cannot trust that my Victron system won't drain my batteries.

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jasonsele avatar image jasonsele commented ·
To follow up on this I gave up with Power Assist and disabled it. I am connected to 30A shore power which gives me 3600 watts. When I place a large load on the system that pushes over 3600 watts it triggers Power Assist and supplements power from my batteries. That works great but once the load drops back below 3600 watts it should drop out of Power Assist and stop pulling from the batteries. It does not do that, so my batteries get drained even when I have plenty of shore power available. It looks like the algorithm that Victron uses to drop out of Power Assist is goofy. I'm not exactly sure where the setting is at but when it dops below 1200 watts Power Assist shuts off.
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