
Chris Dobson avatar image
Chris Dobson asked

Multiplus on Different Phases

I have an application that uses two 230V 5KW Multiplus units. The units will be configured to work in parallel to give 230 Volts max 10KW. During the day these units will act in inverter mode running off a large battery bank. At night they will be plugged in to charge the battery bank and maintain some small appliances (fridges) overnight.

My question is would it be possible to have the Multiplus units operating from different phases whilst plugged into shore power, whilst still operating as parallel units?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Hi Chris
No, you can't have the units in a parallel configuration on different phases.
I can understand what you want to do, but it's got to be either parallel configuration on one phase or multi-phase configuration on different phases.

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Chris Dobson avatar image Chris Dobson commented ·

That's what I thought, but it was worth asking. Many Thanks

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