
Epicycler avatar image
Epicycler asked

MPPT Victron Connect Max Absorption Time Problem


new mppt 100/30, no bluetooth, original firmware V1.16, connected from laptop with Victron Connect, updated firmware to V1.39.

In Settings:-

Changed Battery Preset to "User Defined"

Changed Absorption Volts to 13.80

Attempted to change Maximum Absorption Time. Popup shows default 6 hours 0 minutes. Popup didn't respond to mouse or keys, apart from OK and Cancel.

Message about "can only be changed with custom settings" - I assume that's "User Defined".

What am I doing wrong? How do I change Maximum Absorption Time.

Windows 10.

MPPT Controllers
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5 Answers
Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

I don't believe that Victron Connect works on a Windows PC via Bluetooth connection - only if you use a VE. Direct to USB interface.

Try using a smart phone or tablet instead.

From memory, I recall that this is due to some kind of compatibility limitation in Windows that Victron physically cant resolve themselves.

Extract from Victron Connect manual attached below;

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Epicycler avatar image
Epicycler answered ·


to repeat with different words. I am using Victron Connect on Windows 10 to MPPT 100/30. I've upgraded mppt firmware to 1.39. I've changed the battery preset and absorption volts. Why can't I change the maximum absorption time?

Extra bit of info - connection is via VE.Direct USB interface. I know of no other way of laptop to mppt regulator.

I realise I can change the max absorption time using Putty and Hex protocol but I expected Victron Connect to work as advertised. If I recall correctly, using Hex protocol the shortest maximum absorption time is 0.01 hours (6 minutes).

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Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

Yes it should work then - I assumed that you were using a Victron BT dongle connected to the VE direct port...

Probably a bug? Victron staff may need to chime in.

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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

So how are you trying to change the hours / minutes.
I can do it by clicking right on the number and then drag it up or down until the one I want is highlighted. It's a kind of click and drag gesture. Arrows don't do anything.
Let us know if that works.

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Epicycler avatar image
Epicycler answered ·

thanks, dragging the number with mouse worked,

interesting paradigm!

and it accepted zero hours and zero minutes,

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