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gul-dukat asked

VMWare ESXi ARM Raspberry Pi 4 (8G) - running VenusOS

Hi Guys,

Just wanting to share some cool stuff and perhaps for some a level of progress / stopgap for Raspberry PI 4 v1.4 8G users wanting to run VenusOS.

Been playing with the 180day trial version of VMWare ESXi on ARM fling and have reached out to some really smart guys after I personally hit a roadblock trying to get the wic image to function.

William kindly took at look at what I had been trying to do and has made a significant breakthrough.

Wanted to share for those who, like me are looking to tinker more with their RPI4s and not necessarily dedicate it to VenusOS fulltime.

Will be trying the USB passthru for the VEdirect to my other Victron MPPT and Smartshunts shortly.

Venus OSRaspberry Pi
2 |3000

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