
rodolphe-yonnesolaire avatar image
rodolphe-yonnesolaire asked

Can I use a Multiplus II + CT100A to measure Solar Inverter connected on AC OUT ?

I read the CT100 is to measure the AC in to/from Grid with Multiplus II but can I use the CT to measure a solar Inverter coupled AC OUT of a multiplus II ? Will this do the same than the old Current Sensor on AUX ? Or have I to use this current sensor if I want to see the solar inverter power reported on GXCC ?

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4 Answers
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·

You will have to use energy meter CT to do this. Different function.

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danii avatar image
danii answered ·

Thanks for the information. I will give my view after analyzing the issue

dg survey

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Andrew Burnett avatar image
Andrew Burnett answered ·

I think you'll need to use a ET112 on the solar feed and connect it to the GX via a USB RS485

My Multi is connected via AC-IN, which in turn connects to my main distribution board, my AC from my array also connects to the same distribution board, on it's way there I send the feed through a ET112. I've then added the monitor into my GX and assigned it to SOLAR.


GX config when it's all connected:


1643123095528.png (25.8 KiB)
1643123187059.png (91.2 KiB)
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shaneyake avatar image
shaneyake answered ·

You can not use a CT connected to the inverter to monitor another inverter. You will need to use a Meter.
The CT connector on the inverter replaces the internal CT that is used for monitoring the grid. It is hardware limited to only monitor the grid connection.

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