
bigbadbob76 avatar image
bigbadbob76 asked

multiplus firmware update conection error.

Hi folks.

I have a Multiplus 12/3000/120-16 230v with firmware 2609158.HEX that I wish to update in order to use assistants and VEconnect.

I have downloaded various 2609XX firmwares and attempted to flash them in using the latest VE-Flash.

following the on-screen intructions exactly but when the software tries to connect to the multi after turn off/next/turn on, the connection fails. ("error connecting, please try again")

after turn on the multi sometimes shows leds but usually not. (i understand this is normal).

I am using MK3usb which works fine with VE-config.

having searched for a solution on here I have tried-

different PC. (Win 10 and win xp tried.)

different VE-bus port on the multi.

different network cable.

different usb port on the PC

resetting settings to default.

setting DS1off/DS2on (shouldn't be needed for this model)

AC input off (shouldn't be needed for this model)

I have tried fw 2609209, 2609487 and even 2609159 but they all give me the same error.

any help would be appreciated as this good product would be great if I could update it.

Thanks in advance.


firmware update
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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·
Just checking you are trying to update with only the Mk3 connected to the VE.bus and NO other items. also try a really short eithernet cable ie 2 to 3 mtrs max length
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bigbadbob76 avatar image bigbadbob76 Paul B commented ·
Thanks for your reply Paul.

yes, just the interface, I dont have any other ve-bus devices.

Cable is under 3m, I'll try an even shorter one though.

I notice there's what looks like an ICSP header close to the chip on the board, anyone know if it's possible to use this for programming. would need a .HEX file rather than the .vff file i guess.

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3 Answers
bigbadbob76 avatar image
bigbadbob76 answered ·

Ahem!!! very embarassing.... :-(

in XP-right click on VEflash icon, run as....

tick administrator.

and untick "protect my computer" (this was the bit i missed)

Then it works as it should.

(hides head in shame, should have know that.)

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joshuaosborn avatar image joshuaosborn commented ·
Glad you got it to work! I'm stuck in the same hell. VEConfig works, VEFlash fails with connection error. Following directions, same error over and over.

I was excited about your "run as admin find" but no change. Still stuck.
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bigbadbob76 avatar image
bigbadbob76 answered ·

I'm still trying with this...

today I tried yet another laptop, win 7 this time.

I also tried a suggestion I found on here...

switch off multi

connect cables

start VEflash

select firmware

select port manually (same port as VEconfig uses)


still no joy. :-(

The multi appears to be entering bootloader mode but then the connection fails.

others on here with the same problem seem to get it working eventually by trial and error so I'll keep trying but i'm tearing my hair out.

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tiamelis avatar image
tiamelis answered ·

Hello , did you solve it

I'm in teh same situation I can't connect to the multis with the ve.flash, and the inverters ( two ) are freezed, any led on ....


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