
Roman Le Houelleur avatar image
Roman Le Houelleur asked

How to limit inverter output ?

Hi, I recently installed a second multiplus 12/3000/230 on my boat, in parallel with the first one, works great ! But Max 230VAC ouput power is too much for my batteries and also for my DC cables&fuses installation. I don't want to limit the ouput with a 230VAC breaker (say 16A would be fine) because I can use a little more when connected to the dock. IS there a software limit I can set on the multiplus ? thx !

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
boekel avatar image
boekel answered ·

This is not possible, as the inverter will just try to keep up with your AC use.
So you are the limiter.

Some options / work arounds:
-You can put a lower value breaker on the output to stop using too much power (but you didn't want this)
-You can use the AC-2 output to power heavy users, and let this output disconnect when using too much power - or let this output only switch on when there is AC available on the input.

As you have quite a bit of power available, you'll have multiple circuits. so make one (or two) of them for 'heavy users' and let them switch.

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Roman Le Houelleur avatar image Roman Le Houelleur commented ·

A software limit would be easier but I will look at the ac2 output solution ! thanks !

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boekel avatar image boekel ♦ Roman Le Houelleur commented ·

What would you have the software limit do? switch off the unit?

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Roman Le Houelleur avatar image Roman Le Houelleur boekel ♦ commented ·

Yes, what else could we do ? maybe a option to trigger an alarm relay could be useful ? Right now if someone plugs a hair dryer while induction cooktop is running, that will blow a 350A buesea ANL fuse costing me approx 20 EUR, and shutdown the 12VDC system until I change the fuse. Unfortunately ac2out does not work for me, I want to be able to use everything at sea. Just not everything at the same time. thx for your concern anyway !

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Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

You may also want to consider using a 400A fuse instead to provide a little more buffer before tripping - 400A is the Victron recommended DC fuse size for a 12/3000 Multi.

I also just checked the standard available ANL fuse ratings vs physical size. If you are already using a 350A fuse, the larger size should bolt directly into your current fuse holder;

You could also configure an 'assistant' in the Multi to trigger an audible alarm.

AC2 could also be used to ONLY run the induction cooktop for example - that way if it cuts out you will know why.

Finally, you may want to consider a high current DC circuit breaker instead of a fuse - but it will be difficult to find one with a 400A rating. 'Noark' sell a range of high current DC circuit breakers (MCCB - Molded Case Circuit Breakers) which you could look into but they are not cheap. I use them in my own install.

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