
ifraser avatar image
ifraser asked

Old victron Pallas manual?

Hi all. I have a boat from 1997 with a Victron charger that is marked as a Pallas 12v 50a. I have searched high and low and cannot find a manual. I want to adjust the equalization and float voltage but not sure which potentiometer is which. I can find a manual for a Pallas TG 12/50 but that appears totally different from what is inside our charger. I did once find a manual for an old inverter charger, I believe it was a Titan and the charger bit appeared close to what we have but I cannot find this manual again. Our Pallas charger has 4 tiny potentiometers in two groups of two on the top of the circuit board that is fixed to the opening front panel. Any help gratefully received. Many thanks.

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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·
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ifraser avatar image ifraser commented ·
Hi Matthias, thanks for your help. Trouble is I already found the page you link to and the Pallas chargers there are not the same as mine. I appreciate that sounds a bit daft but there are no DIP switches in my charger just tiny potentiometers. The only 12/50 listed is a the TG so I'm wondering if there is an even older Pallas that wasnt denoted TG?? I did once find a manual relating to an old inverter charger that I thought was a Titan but I can't find this again now. It does seem odd that the manual for a Pallas 12/50 does not line up with my Pallas which is a 12v 50a but it doesn't so I can only guess its a really old model? My guess is it is original to the boat which is 1997 but that is just my guess...Thanks for your input anyway :-)
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ ifraser commented ·

I the manual of the 12/25 is something about potentiometers.
Maybe that helps you.

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