
michel2711 avatar image
michel2711 asked

Quattro protection against over and under voltage on AC input

I have a Quattro 48V / 10KVA on an isolated site. We are about to get connected to the grid and the public grid supplied voltage can vary wildly from less than 140 to over 280 (or more in some cases). I read in the product datasheet that the AC input voltage range is 187-265. What happens if the voltage is outside that range? Is the quattro able to protect itself against over voltage on the AC input?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

A to small voltage would just cause the Quattro to disconnect from the grid.

The same for high voltages but if the voltage goes to high it can damage the electronic inside the Quattro.

You may add an external device to disconnect the grid from the Quattro in case of to high voltages.

Something like the "Schak NKR F1" + a bigger contactor.

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michel2711 avatar image
michel2711 answered ·

Thank you.

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