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doublebubble asked

Pheonix Multiplus firmware update

I need help here please, I have been running a Pheonix Multiplus 12/3000/120/16 firmware version no. 1909112 HEX on our boat for 12yrs now and over the last couple of years there has been issues with batt temp error codes, stuck in bulk charge with internal temp light flashing but with no charge current and certainly not getting warm, these issues are becoming more constant, is this unit just getting too old? the batteries are 4 x Lifeline 6v GPL-16T connected in series for 12v to give 880 amp hrs, I believe I can not update this firmware as the unit is too old, is that correct? I do have a new Multiplus on board as a spare unit with firmware no. 2609430 and are wondering if I can just replace the old unit with the new one straight out of the box with or without updating the firmware? if I should have to update the new Multi's firmware would it be Version 2609485? would there to be any parameters that may need to be changed in the new Multi as I'm not that savvy on how to do that, we also run a 6kva generator and from what I can see the standard battery charge parameters would be fine, can somebody assist me please.

regards Rod.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

you can update the multiplus to 1909209 YOU can not us a 26 series FW on that unit.

you would need a MK3 USB to VE BUS interface to do this fw update if you so wanted to.

However I do not think it would fix the situation, as changing firmware would not normally fiz that sort of issue unless it was there from day one. ie when it was first installed .

I would first try to replace the temp sender with the new one in the new mutiplus box and see if the problem went away.

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doublebubble avatar image
doublebubble answered ·

Thanks for the reply, I have replaced the battery temp sensor twice now with no remedy, I have had the error code of absorption and float led's flashing at once indicating a battery temp sensor problem, at the moment the temp sensor is disconnected but that particular error still occurs, the other issue is the internal high temp led flashing when in bulk mode but it is actually showing no current charge to the batteries, it would sit in this mode for days, turning the multi off and on again will sometimes reset back to normal until it happens again.

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