
faa49 avatar image
faa49 asked

Is it possible to only feedback to AC in 1 in the Quattro and disable feeding back on AC in 2?


We have a DC-coupled installation with Quattro inverter/charger. Given that the Quattro has 2 AC inputs, we are connecting the grid to AC in 1 and the generator to AC in 2.

Can you please advise if we can trigger a dry contact to allow feeding back depending on whether AC in 1 is available or not (in other words, if AC in 1 is available we want feed back excess energy, if AC in 1 is not available we want to disable the feeding back).

System will include a Cerbo GX, is it possible to do the above? and how?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

you maybe could use the general flag to ignore ac2, thus turning it off or on using a relay assistant based on DC voltage. IE when the battery was full at say 56 volts then it would normally start to export but you could then OPEN the AC2 in relay and thus it then cant export anymore.

or even better is to use the generator autostart feature to start the generator and then to stop it when the batteries are full or the loads are lower lots of option here but I would use a Cerbo GX for this in preference just have a look at all the autostart selection features, this would be a better option I feel, as then the gen run times would be much lower as well.

I have used a well priced gen autostart unit for around 60.00 USD that does everything plus multi gen restart retries and other features. this unit is then triggered by the Cerbo to start the gen,

Just a couple for ideas

maybe helpfull maybe not

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