
Ridhya Jin avatar image
Ridhya Jin asked

Blue Solar MPPT 100/50

We are testing 2ea of Blue Solar MPPT 100/50.

One works, but the other becomes “charger or Panel over-voltage” fault mode when connected.

I thought the product was broken, so I bought a new product and tested it, but it’s the same.

PV output voltage is measured 24V and battery is measured 24V.

Although turning Rotary switches 1 to 7 are in the same fault mode.

I understand that the battery voltage is automatically recognized.

What point do you think I need to check?

Please give me some advice.

MPPT Controllers
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

"One works, but the other becomes “charger or Panel over-voltage” fault mode when connected."

Ok, you have checked the led diagnostics, good for you.

"PV output voltage is measured 24V and battery is measured 24V. "

This would indicate a high resistance joint/connection between your mppt and solar array.

Measure the voltage (loss) across every connection/joint/fuse/breaker, between the mppt and array. Multimeter probes are pointy for a reason ;).

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Ridhya Jin avatar image
Ridhya Jin answered ·

Thanks for your opinion.

One important thing is that the first unit works well without a Fault message.

The other one shows the same fault mode “charger or panel over voltage”.

We checked for abnormalities in what you said, such as connection/joint/fuse/breaker, between the MPPT and array.

The problem with this is that both should be in Fault mode, but one works well without a Fault message.

The other one shows the same fault mode “charger or panel over voltage”.

Is there anything else to check for MPPT?

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