
mckinley avatar image
mckinley asked

I have a Multiplus 12v/3000w inverter, how do I lower shut off voltage on battery?

Is there a setting to change in the Multi plus so that I can use more of my battery before the inverter says "low battery"? I have a 400ah Lithium battery



MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
anthony avatar image
anthony answered ·

It would be useful to know the brand and model of your battery and if it has its own bms (battery management system).

You can change the battery settings on the Multiplus using either the Victron MK3 USB interface with a PC and the VE Configure software or via the Victron VRM portal if you have a Victron GX device (Colour Control, Cerbo, Venus or Octo) connected to the Multiplus.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Do you know your current settings? Did you get the Multi pre-configured?

If the Multi is new and never configured the default settings (10.9V warning and 9.3V shut down) are already the lowest you can set and this is to low for the most batteries (lead and lithium).

Discharging the batteries even more will damage them and shorten the life time significantly!

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