
larry-1 avatar image
larry-1 asked

RF / HF (High Frequency) interference in mobile operation

Power System Summary: 12 volt multiplus, SmartSolar MPPT 150/70, Battle Born Battery bank, Venus GX controller, BMV-702, Digital Multi Control 200/200A GX, Lynx Distributor, 2 each 390 watt solar panels, RUT-240 Industrial Cellular Router (for internet connection to Victron monitoring site).

Radio System Summary: Barrett 4050 SRD, SG-230-antenna coupler/tuner, 16 ft Shakespeare 120 series antenna,

When transmitting ALE (Automatic Link Establishment) on 24,926 (12 meter band) the Multiplus will shut down then resume operation when transmission is completed. All other bands do not create a issue.




MPPT Controllers
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


I realise you do have the GX devices in for a reason, but try with them unplugged (cat cable is a good aerial). possibly the cables are a factor or multiple of that wavelength, there is an oscillating crystal in the multi.

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larry-1 avatar image larry-1 Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Thanks, I have placed clip-on Ferrite Ring Core RFI EMI Noise Suppressors on various cables. Seems frequency specific.

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3 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Hi Larry 1 did removing the VE bus cables from the Multiplus stop the issue as per Alexandra's suggestion. Just its unclear from your reply thats all.

by the way very nice rugged unit by the looks

seems like the top panels extend out how have you attached these , just interested ???

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Erik Sporns avatar image
Erik Sporns answered ·

Im having that issue on the 11m band (4w power). I didnt find a solution for it though :( at least it seems like nothing is breaking, its just that you loose solar during transmission. Temp sensors glitch out as well. (temp dropping 30° during transmission).

Edit: Just realised youre talking about the multiplus: issue is with smart solar 100/30 as well.

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jjbond avatar image
jjbond answered ·
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