
graeme-1 avatar image
graeme-1 asked

Victron app update did not work.

Victron app update to new version did not work. Settings still not availible. Used 2 gigs doing it so don't want to waste anymore. Have 2 bmv712 smart monitors which I monitor with the app on a samsung A20 which I restarted.

firmware update
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The app didn't update from the store? There are other options ... 45mb to 50mb. If you used 2gb then something else is afoot.

Or that the update of the device firmware did not happen?

Either way, if the internet connection you are using is not stable enough then I am not sure how this is a problem Victron can fix for you.

If you do not update the app you can use the devices without having to update their firmware. So disable its ability to update, problem solved.

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