
thanasis avatar image
thanasis asked

Multiplus 12/1600/70 setup


I have the following setup : 1 x Multiplus 12/1600/70 and 6 AGM Deep Discharge Batteries connected in parallel.

This is going to be installed on a temporary construction site to power up the CCTV system.

During working hours the system will be powered from the site mains 220V generator charging the batteries.

So as I can understand the Multiplus has to be set up as a UPS system.

Do I need to change any settings with the Dip Switches (I don't have the USB interface) or it will work as is out of the box?

( I monitor the batteries voltage real time with a GSM safecurrent device(

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Murray van Graan avatar image
Murray van Graan answered ·

Hi @thanasis

The multi will already work out of the box, charging when ac input available and inverting when the ac input is removed. I would however recommend that you get the MK3 to usb interface, as you would need to set the multi to accept the generator supply, and also maybe change the charge voltages according to the battery you are using.

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