
powerranger avatar image
powerranger asked

Using a multiplus 12/1600/70 for backup/ups solution with 1x 200ah lifepo4

Dear Victron Energy members,

I'm in the market for a reliable UPS/no-break/backup solution at my house (normal residential home). A friend told me to look into Victron quality products, so here I am :) .

I will need this solution for the rare moments that we have a grid failure. It's only needed to power a medium size 230V fridge (power consumption is around 40-80watts an hour). I will manually change the powercord from the wall socket to 230V no-break socket connected to the Victron solution.

I'm considering to get a Multiplus 12/1600/70 with a 200ah lifepo4 battery. Is this a good and safe solution to use in my house? Will the battery hold up without a load for long periods of time?

Are solar panels (I'm limited to only 3 or 4 panels) an option for keeping the battery charged? (I may need a Victron Easysolar for this?) (I only need 24-48hrs backup power)

Or is a regular Victron battery charger with a separate inverter also a good option?

The thing I'm worried about it leaving the battery on the charger 24/7/365.

A lot of question, I hope you guys and gals can help me out.

Thank you,



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1 Answer
Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image
Warwick Bruce Chapman answered ·

At 80W, the battery/inverter combination will give you > 24 hrs:

200Ah * 0.8 DoD/Efficiency * 12.8 Nominal Voltage / 80W = 25.6Hrs

If you want to add solar, I suggest finding a 100Ah 24V or 50Ah 48V solution. This will make the MPPT cheaper and reduce the size of the wiring/fusing you require.

You could also get away with a smaller inverter.

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