
jayclintli avatar image
jayclintli asked

PV is More Than 30 percent Oversized

Hi, I was going through the VE Mppt calculator excel sheet and going through the panel configuration options with my 100/20 mppt.

I am planning to oversize my current PV configuration (1x CSU-360P) by adding one more of the same model/brand so I can easily transition to 48v in the future. The calculator says that I should still work but gave a warning that it is more than 30%. May I know if exceeding 30% oversized negatively impacts the the mppt scc itself or what will happen if I exceed that threshold?

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Bob (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Bob (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Dear jayclintli,

The warning is added to give a notice to the user. Some users oversize the PV generator too much without knowing and therefor loose a lot of PV power during high irridiation periods. 30% is a value which in practise 'good value for the money'. As long as you stay within the voltage and current boundaries of the MPPT the calculation is Ok.


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