
Jody avatar image
Jody asked

how to change user interface (GUI) venus raspberry


I am starting to build mine first camper. And want to use a Raspberry with the raspberry display and running the Venus OS.

Have enabled the ADC (MCP3208) and this is showing on the screen..

But is shows tree tanks and I am going to use only two tanks in mine camper..

Can I disable or remove one from the screen?? And if so... How??

BEst regards,


Raspberry Pi
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4 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Jody_Burow,

you may want to look into Settings and I/O, Analog Inputs and then try to disable the inputs you don't want to see.

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Jody avatar image
Jody answered ·

In de settings I/O Analog inputs there is nothing listed...

In the digital inputs I can select Inputs.

But in the analog part there is nothing... but on the "main"-screen are the analog inputs visible..

Must I do a step extra to let them show up there???

Best ragrds,


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jeroend avatar image jeroend commented ·

Well, not an extra step but it seems you have the mechanics 'wired' correctly just not told the software yet. When you do you can indeed switch off/on ports via the gui. From experience it will be next to impossible though to troubleshoot what went wrong without going through all your setup steps in great detail.
In fact, it may well be easier to start from scratch again, sorry.

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Jody avatar image Jody jeroend commented ·

Hi Jeroen,

No problem to start again... that's easy peasy.. but is there a image for the Raspberry Pi that has all the steps included? If I go through al mine steps again I problaby make the same mistake again..

Best regards,


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jeroend avatar image jeroend Jody commented ·
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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Jody commented ·
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jeroend avatar image jeroend Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

sure, but in my view it is harder to figure out what step is missed when you run a script instead of going through the steps one-by-one. In any case, I'm sure a solution will be found ;-) Took me quite some time too until I figured it all out but is is running ever since.

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Jody avatar image Jody jeroend commented ·

maybe a bolt question...

but if you got it working with a Raspberry PI3..... is it possible to make a image file of it??
The last thing I want right now is to enable/disable mine ADC inputs..

I agree that searching which step I missed (or did wrong) then starting over..

I have used the script form Laurence.. but that did not helped me

Best Regards,


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jeroend avatar image jeroend Jody commented ·

No problem, will need to get the card from the van though so will not be in the next 5 minutes. Later this evening ok?

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Jody avatar image Jody jeroend commented ·

Sure no problem!!

Beggers can't be choosers!!

Maybe I can also figure out what I have done wrong.....

Best regards,


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dunnp avatar image
dunnp answered ·

One thing to check/confirm: Do you have the dbus-adc.conf file in /etc/venus?

Does it look like this (below)? Just double-check there is a line-feed character at the end of the file.

device iio:device0

vref 1.8

scale 4095

tank 4

tank 6

tank 2

temp 5

temp 3

And be sure the permissions are set to 755. Reboot to apply the changes.

(Both these caught me out initially).



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Jody avatar image
Jody answered ·


Yes I did.... but stil no analog inputs..

Have installed the Image from Jeroen and now everything is there!!!!

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