
julianc avatar image
julianc asked

Multiplus 24/3000/70 not starting up

I just had an electrician complete the installation of my bus conversion and I can't get the MP to start unless I run the bus and the dc/dc charger kicks in .

The 24v DCS lithium battery is totally flat , do I need to get it to a minimum charge before the MP will work ?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·

What is the battery voltage (measured)?

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julianc avatar image julianc seb71 commented ·

Just going by the blue tooth app for the battery , it is 0v

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seb71 avatar image seb71 julianc commented ·

Can you see individual cell voltages in that app?

If battery voltage really is 0V, it could be damaged and no longer usable.

But maybe it's just disconnected by the BMS.

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julianc avatar image julianc seb71 commented ·

Yes, individual cell voltages vary from 0 - 3.8 across the battery

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seb71 avatar image seb71 julianc commented ·

If you have a cell (or more) with 0V, that is very bad.

Might be possible to recover it, but you would need to charge that cell individually. Starting the charging with very low current.

If that battery still has warranty, better contact the seller.

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julianc avatar image julianc seb71 commented ·

It's a brand new battery . Never been connected before . I will contact the supplier .

Thanks for your help

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1 Answer
joshuatreeog avatar image
joshuatreeog answered ·

i had same issue. the physical switch didn’t work anymore after several low batt warnings it shut off.

i found that in the console logging in through the cerbo gx there is a setting called “switch” it was set to off even though the physical switch was on.

i changed it in the console to on. and then turned back on with physical switch and it’s working again.



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