
chrisawp avatar image
chrisawp asked

Quattro AC-out 2 in off-grid

Apologies if this has already been answered: Is it possible to have AC Out-2 on a Quattro run in an off grid situation?

AC Out-2 only is available when power is present on AC IN-1 or AC IN-2. During battery operation it will be disconnected.

The idea is to have "non-essential" items, geysers, pumps etc connected to AC Out-2 that need to be disconnected when weather is bad and battery SOC drops below say 30% and reconnected at 40% as example. A generator will also be connected and manually started to charge batteries when weather is bad (but please note, AC-out 2 should still work without the generator present).

To my knowledge by programming assistants it could be possible to do the above, it is just not 100% clear whether this is possible without AC In-1 or 2 available.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
solardude avatar image
solardude answered ·

It is definitely possible with assistants. I personally like using the generator start/stop assistant. The name is a bit misleading, as you can use it for many purposes. There are quite a few threads in how to use that assistant.

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