
Nikolay Nedeltchev avatar image
Nikolay Nedeltchev asked

Backup of the SD card containing Venus OS for Raspberry Py

Good day all,

Is there any proven method to backup SD card containing Venus OS?

Usually in I use Win32DiskImager.exe to do backup of the entire SD card in my Win. laptop. But there is a read error when I try to do *.img file on the card with Venus OS 2.6 version.

Raspberry Pi
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2 Answers
Nikolay Nedeltchev avatar image
Nikolay Nedeltchev answered ·

I found a script for Raspberry Pi that seems to me very usefull for backing up.

I can't try it for now since still waiting for my USB card reader to arrive from 天下 .


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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

If there is an error on the SD card from an unclean shutdown, this might trigger the error you are getting. Put the card back in the PI then log in (serial port or ssh) and do a shutdown -h now.

If you have no way of doing that, trigger a reboot from the GUI and watch the lights on the PI. The red light will wink out briefly just before the PI starts booting again.

You can also mount the SD card on a unix machine and run fsck to fix any errors. I've started doing a lot of the work on PI SD cards running Ubuntu under Parallels on my Mac. 'gparted' is very handy for manipulating partitions including copying the data partition from one SD card to another so you retain your Venus setup.

I'm on a Mac and am using Apple Pi Baker for managing full images. It works fine, just TURN OFF automatic compress and expand since APB messes up big time if there are more than 2 partitions on the card. You may end up with the boot partition and the EMPTY alternate FS partition if APB attempts to expand partitions!

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