
munu-moses avatar image
munu-moses asked

Quattro Does not connect to Grid

Hi everyone, Am having a Quattro 24/8000/200 and I also have a 15kva Gen-set, automatic change over box switching between grid and the gen-set but whenever am using the generator, the quattro connects easily and quickly and the frequency of the gen-set is 52hz and drops to 50hz whenever the quattro starts charging my battery pack of 24v600Ah but for the grid case, the quattro takes very long time to synchronize and when it does, it connects for a short time and automatically disconnects.

*The grid has 50.4hz frequency

*Voltage is 230Vac

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
dgnevans avatar image
dgnevans answered ·

you need to monitor the voltage and the fequency when the quattro connects. it appears as thought your mains supply or grid is not stable. either the cable is under sized and votlage drops or frequency changes. or there is a loose connection in the grid DB.

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munu-moses avatar image
munu-moses answered ·

Thanks @dgnevans I will monitor the grid and also maybe later will contact the grid supplier for more verification.

thanks for the heads up

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