
lilyluck avatar image
lilyluck asked

Can I use the Orion-tr smart (24/12-30) to Charge my 12v house bank AND my 24v starter from my 24v alternator? Or do I need the non “smart” Orion/tr??

I understand the Orion-tr would work for the job, but is the Orion-tr smart going to do the same thing but better?

Orion DC-DC Converters not smart
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Hi @Lilyluck, welcome to the Community!

The Orion-Tr is not a charger, it's just a converter, so -since it doesn't put out an intelligent multi-stage charge profile- it is not generally recommended for use for charging a battery. The Orion-Tr Smart is the correct product for this.

Generally speaking, your 24v start battery will be charged directly from your 24v alternator; then, to charge your 12v house bank, you'll use the Orion-Tr Smart 24/12-30 connected to your start battery on the input side and your house bank on the output side.

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