
rona avatar image
rona asked

Quattros in parallel

If i have two quattros set up in parallel can i have 3 power supplies?

1 -shore power connected to input 2 on quattro #1

2 -generator 1 connected to input 1 on both quattro #1 and quattro #2

3-generator 2 connected to input 2 on quattro #2.

does this create any issues,or am i limited to two inputs?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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3 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

No. All connections to all paralleled inverters must be identical with identical length cabling.

Consider the situation where input 2 was selected on both Quatros. You'd be connecting shore power to generator 2 because both input relays would close.

You could put an external transfer switch ahead of the paralleled Quatros to accommodate the three inputs.

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Kevin is correct

However a work around for you

I presume that both gens don't run at the same time

What you do

buy two contactors and configure them so that if gen one powers up then Contractor one closes and supplys power to AC2 in

then if gen to startup contractor 2 closes and supply's power to AC2 in

the two contractors must have a second set of aux contractors, set these up so that only ONE contractor can only be energized at a time. this is done by cross linking the contactors 1 and 2 activation coils

ITS IMPORTANT THAT you set it up so that both contractors can NEVER both be closed at the same time

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rona avatar image
rona answered ·

aaahhh got it thanks guys so the relays also switch in parallel.

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