
jgy67 avatar image
jgy67 asked

Use the ac2 output for a secondary battery charger

I´m considering a secondary 230v batteri charger in addition to my Multiplus 24/3000/16/230v.

I´m thinking of utilizing the AC2 230v output from the MP.

with regards to this, I have a few questoins:

- Is this a recommended setup?

- If so , would the Venus GX then reflect the real power consumption from the gen set?

- Is the entire power consumption limited to 16a 230v


Kind regards

Jan G

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

- Is this a recommended setup? yes AC2 out only has power when there is power on AC1 in

- If so , would the Venus GX then reflect the real power consumption from the gen set? YES

- Is the entire power consumption limited to 16a 230v as the pass through relay is limited to a max or 16 amps with your model of multi plus then 16 is the MAx power in total for any input from AC1 in

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