
dbvanhorn avatar image
dbvanhorn asked

Which solar charger for my application?

I have a single 100W panel, and 96AH of LiFePo4 batteries. I charge from the van using a 12-12 18 and I'd like to add solar charging as well, when the panel is connected and I have sun. I like the bluetooth functionality, and I'm an EE, so the more info and "knobs" the better. :)

I suspect an MPPT controller would work best here.

I don't have roof space to expand my solar array, so this is it.

OCV on this panel is 21.6V, ISC 6A, operating voltage 18V, operating current 5.6A

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

A Smart Solar MPPT 75/10 should be enough for you.

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dbvanhorn avatar image dbvanhorn commented ·


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dbvanhorn avatar image
dbvanhorn answered ·

Hmm.. I see that this charger wants to be inbetween the battery and the load. How would I connect my 12|12-18 for charging from the vehicle?

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randy-putnam avatar image
randy-putnam answered ·

And go with MPPT not PWM for better performance from your panel. Get the smart version if you have ios or android devices so you can see wassup with your iPhone or other Bluetooth enable device. As for the 12/12-18 you can use that between your starter battery and LFP battery to be sure your alternator doesn’t fry itself when the super efficient LFP bank pushes back all the alternator current right back. I’m assuming you have a lead acid starter battery. Oh, by the way, you might be able to expand your PV capacity and stay within your van (roof?) limitations by getting more watts out of a similar size panel. On my boat I mounted panels that put out 170w in the same size as most 100W panels. And, while I‘m still rambling along here, consider advantages of mono vs polycrystalline PV panels and rigid vs flexible. Good luck and have fun.

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