
hakan-wedeby avatar image
hakan-wedeby asked

Blue power 2 (2012) do not work with my new Multiplus 24/3000/70

Blue power 2 (2012) do not work with my new Multiplus 24/3000/70, can I update BBP2 or can i by a new BPP2 ? Will my old battery controller ( 2012) work with a new BPP2 ?

Multiplus-IIblue power panel
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

the old bluepower units will not work with the latest multiplus/quattro units firmware.

to get it to work you would have to downgrade the firmware to 26??159 version firmware and it then should work.

Or you need to change the new Color control or gx series product and also a new smartshunt to replace the battery monitor, this will also give you a lot of extra information in the GX units . in my opinion well worth the upgrade

2 |3000

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