
Lyndsay Cotton avatar image
Lyndsay Cotton asked

Multipluss II AC1out & AC2out AND bypass from grid

Hi all,

I recently asked a question regarding the AC1 & AC2 out on the Multipluss II.

This question was answered to my satisfaction but it seems as if I have either misunderstood the entire picture OR I have somehow made a programming error / wiring error

In short:

1. I have a grid feed in

2. This grid feed in is monitored through an ET112

3. This feed supplies the Multiplus and "C"

3. I have split the distribution board into three . Lets call them AC1, AC2 (from Multiplus) and "C"

4. "C" comes directly from the supply (after the ET112)

5. "C" in other words operates totally independently of the Multiplus and the only indication that the loads on "C" exist is the reporting from the ET112 (Via Venus interface).

6. I am off the opinion that the loads on "C" are being drawn from the Multiplus / Storage batteries. This should not be the case. A geyser installed and load connected to "C" is drawing load from the Multiplus. Mistakes can be made but I'm 99.9% convinced its not a wiring problem (ie - inadvertently connecting the geyser load to AC2 for example)

I have installed identical Victron solutions and in those cases I do not have this problem. In one instance the client has a 10kw pottery oven and I sucessfully installed this solution on a Multiplus 48/5000. (the oven connected to "C")

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4 Answers
ess-and-solar-solutions avatar image
ess-and-solar-solutions answered ·

Hi @Lyndsay Cotton One observation is that C is connected after the ET112. If the ESS is trying to not consume any grid, C could well be fed by the Multi/battery as it is a bidirectional device. Are the other systems wired with C after the ET112 and is the firmware and settings all exactly the same?

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Lyndsay Cotton avatar image
Lyndsay Cotton answered ·

Yes "C" is connected after the ET112

The other systems are wired the same however I will have to confirm the firmware.

Should the ET112 have to be connected after "C" - how would I then measure the total power consumed?

One of the aims of the ET112 is to inform the client of savings, and loads drawn from the grid giving a holistic picture of his system.

The Multi/battery are programmed to NOT feed back to the grid as our regulations do not permit this. However I do understand the function of the ET112 where it is currently placed

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ess-and-solar-solutions avatar image ess-and-solar-solutions commented ·

@Lyndsay Cotton I'd personally first try to see what is different between the systems. Do you have power assist enabled? Also, what happens if you switch the ESS grid meter to inverter as opposed to ET112?

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Lyndsay Cotton avatar image Lyndsay Cotton ess-and-solar-solutions commented ·

Hi, Yes - power assist enabled.

We switched the ESS grid meter to inverter - problem is - the layout on the VRM is even less helpfull. Im going to open a new thread in that regard.

Im assuming that switching the meter to inverter may prevent the bi-directional feedback but the ET112 is then rendered useless - Would I be correct in that assumption?

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ess-and-solar-solutions avatar image ess-and-solar-solutions Lyndsay Cotton commented ·

You can still view the totals as shown below which may indeed not be ideal. Worth noting that a system can have more than one energy meter as is often the case when having AC coupled inverters you want to monitor/manage. At this point you have to really determine the differences between the systems ... I will also turn off power assist. problem solving 101. As for improvement suggestions, it is best to use the modifications section.


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Lyndsay Cotton avatar image
Lyndsay Cotton answered ·

vrm-layout.jpg (99.1 KiB)
vrm-layout.pdf (187.9 KiB)
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Lyndsay Cotton avatar image
Lyndsay Cotton answered ·

Thankyou. We will play around some more with this.

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