
declanbredin avatar image
declanbredin asked

Can I use a Orion-Tr DC-DC converters, isolated 12 to 12 V / 18 A to charge a leisure battery from a Euro5 engine or do I need a Orion TR Smart DC-Dc converter?

I have a 2014 Citroen Relay van which I am fairly sure uses a Euro5 engine.

I currently have a Orion-Tr DC-DC converters, isolated 12 to 12 V / 18 A, but it does not appear to charge the leisure battery at all while I am driving.

Orion DC-DC Converters not smart
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1 Answer
philippe avatar image
philippe answered ·


As I understood, you will need a Victron Buck-Boost DC/DC converter, as the alternators in Euro5/6 will bring down the voltage so the Orion can not deal with it.

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