
garyartista avatar image
garyartista asked

Combi 24/1800 stops charging

I have a 1999 model 24/1800 installed charging 4 house batteries. It charges fully, say to +48 amp hours, then shuts off. The batteries then start to discharge. If I unplug and replug from shore power or turn the unit off then on, the charging resumes at least for some period of time. Is this normal behavior? Since we are running often I have not been able to wait long enough to see what happens if the battery discharges enough to determine if the charger will restart. Any thoughts? thanks

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2 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

Hi @garyartista Do you mean multiplus compact? What are the settings on it and how is it used? How long has this been going on? I'd suspect it has possibly been set to stop after a certain period of bulk charging maybe, but with more facts like battery voltages, etc. I'd struggle to give you a reasonable answer.

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garyartista avatar image
garyartista answered ·

This unit is an Victron Atlas Combi (1999 I believe is year of install). It is not a Multiplus. This is a 24 volt system. Thre are 4 165 am hour house batteries. I have not opened the unit to see what if any settings are there to be adjusted. Just noticed this a week or so ago, having owned the boat for 2 years.

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