
iambrian avatar image
iambrian asked

Newby BlueSolar 75/15 installation/post-installation questions

OK I'm totally new to the solar concept. Yesterday I glued a panel to the roof and wired up my BlueSolar 75/15. No load yet as I haven't decided how whether to work out the existing direct to battery wiring for the vans lighting and Aux socket for USB charging or whether to simply add a new 12v distribution box for new equipment. But everything appears to be working fine and the LEDs seem to suggest absorption charging completed OK this morning and I have a fully charged 12v battery! 13.72v as per my multimeter.

Now I want to finalise the installation which will mean better internal routing of the PV cables and adding the load. I assume the simplest way will be to cover the solar panel so I get no current from the PV and then disconnecting (still being careful not to short) sorting everything out and then wiring up the new load connector box before reinstalling the PV leads,

The BlueSolar 75/15 came with a jumper on pins 2/3 for load voltage which I left in, but, of course, I need to remove this before I can add a monitoring cable (not decided on whether to go USB or BT - planned to try USB using an FTDI adapter as a test). Is it OK just to pull this jumper out with the system powered up or do I need to remove the PV and battery connections before pulling out?

Thanks for any help with the newly questions

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1 Answer
launacorp avatar image
launacorp answered ·

For safety disconnect PV and batt, then pull jumper. After that u can plug or disconnect the USB or BT or ftdi with powered system. I had no problems doing this on mine.

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