
larsivarboe avatar image
larsivarboe asked

Multiplus 1600 not accepting generator Honda 10EU


I have a Victron MultiPlus C 12/1600/70-16, and are having problems with it accepting my generator, Honda 10EU.

I have followed instructions from Victrons FAQ: What to do when a MultiPlus does not accept generator power.

I have disabled UPS function and enabled Weak AC input. I have also activated the dynamic current limiter and the Power Assist and tried to have a ohm load on the inverter. However, the Multiplus is not accepting the generator, all load are going from the batteries. When I put load on the multiplus it is taking all load from the batteries and none from the inverter. When I am setting the multiplus to a charger only mode it is not functioning.

Can anybody help?

I see from the VE config that the generator Frequency is 50,1 Hz and the voltage is 239V which should be fine, see picture below.


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

What does the General and Grid tab look like?

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larsivarboe avatar image larsivarboe commented ·

Picture of Grid tab. Do you know if that red light under SoC are wrong?

I do not have a picture of the General tab, but I can make one later on today, I do not think I was changing any factory settings there. I enclose a picture of the software installed on the multiplus.

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ larsivarboe commented ·

On the General tab you can change the Shore Limit (AC current input) - probably 3 - 3.5a for your Honda.

There are also check boxes for SoC and "Overruled by remote" (shore limit)

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3 Answers
larsivarboe avatar image
larsivarboe answered ·

Thanks, but it did not work. I tried 3 A and 3.5 A and with and without checked "Overruled by remote"

See picture below.

Any other tips, suggestions?

I am also enclosing a file with all the settings in the MultiPlus.



1 comment
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

I am not sure what the virtual switch does, but I would update VE configure, and take a copy of the latest 2606xxx firmware.

I have a smaller inverter generator just to charge works.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi docs about MultiPlus & Generator are here:

tips in there might be of help - I dont know more details about this - sorry.

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julio-fuentes avatar image
julio-fuentes answered ·

Hi there

I spent months with the same problem and today I change LOM detection to DISABLE and voilà!!

it's working fine even with weak AC disable and UPS function enable

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