
hwaigand avatar image
hwaigand asked

How can I change the vrm administrator, bought devices on ebay - no dealer

I bought a CCRX, a Multiplus 3000, a BM712 and a Smart Solar Controller second hand on ebay. Everything works fine, but when I try to setup VRM I get a message that the administrator has been emailed. I'm obviously not the administrator in your system since I didn't get an email and I read on the blogs that you recommend to contact the dealer which I have no idea who the prior owner of the equipment bought from. Please help.

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2 Answers
prospector avatar image
prospector answered ·

Hi . I am in the exact same situation. I have tried to connect to vrm my CCGX but I always get the same message, the administrator has been emailed.

I have no information of the dealer that has been bought from.

Please help.


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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·
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