
alex-1 avatar image
alex-1 asked

Synchronised charging smart solar and multiple blue smart charges

Hi i have 900amp hours of batterys on a boat and i currently using 900watts of panels with a smart solar 150/35 controller with BMV-702 and a Color Control GX.

I have a old dumb charge so to speak (dolphin) also connected to the same bank.

When i run the generator on a sunny day the 240volt charge is not adding any current.

I am hoping to add a 240volt charger that talks to the system and synchronises charge output so i can quickly add amps while running the generator during the day.

I see the bluesmart now does sync,. My question is can i run 2 of the charges as I would like around 30-40amp of 240 volt charge capability.

The system is 24volt DC.

I have a 6.5kva generator.

Thanks in Advance

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1 Answer
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

Hi Only the MPPT's offer sync and not the BlueSmart chargers. "Synchronised charging for MPPT Solar Chargers"

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