
don-b avatar image
don-b asked

How to turn off inverter on MultiPlus Compact

I don't want to use the inverter in the MultiPlus Compact, just the charger. Can I turn off the inverter so that it doesn't draw any DC current at all? If so, how? Thanks!

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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Just switch it to "charger only" so the output only become active if you have AC on the input and as soon as the input is disconnected the output/the inverter switches off.
Switching off the inverter completely is not possible.

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don-b avatar image
don-b answered ·

Thanks Matthias, but I've looked in the VEConfig software and I don't see a "charger only" setting. Where can I find this for the Multiplus Compact?

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bruces avatar image
bruces answered ·

On the front panel of the device or at the remote control panel if one is attached.

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