
nemo5 avatar image
nemo5 asked

Using own Gridmeter


when writing a script that reads energy / power / ... with REST API from my own, allready installed, grid meter and writes the values to


/Ac/L1/Current         <- A AC
/Ac/L1/Energy/Forward  <- kWh  - bought
/Ac/L1/Power           <- W, real power
/Ac/L1/Voltage         <- V AC

can it be uses for ESS Mode1 regulation? Since a meter is already installed, the idea is to use it for Victron.

I would use as reference.

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2 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi, yes it can. The parameter used for the regulation is only the Power one.

it might be that you need to publish the parameter for total power over all phases. Even if you have only one, as well.

more information on what paths a grid service makes available are here:

Note that that smappee project was never fully finished / taken into production.

So, it might work as a reference, but don’t be surprised if something is missing/different.

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nemo5 avatar image
nemo5 answered ·

thanky you for the fast response. Maybe someone had done such a modification and can share his code for reference.

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