
martincole avatar image
martincole asked

MultiPlus Compact repeatedly switching between shore power and battery


I have a multiplus compact 12volt / 1600s / 70 amp

The unit less than 7 months old since installed in new RV.

Everything has been fine then suddenly we notice that the unit is switching to inverter and back again to power, sometimes 5-6 times per min. The 2-3 times a min. It only stays on inverter for a few seconds then back to power.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Murray van Graan avatar image
Murray van Graan answered ·

Hi @MartinCole. That could be normal behaviour, but depends on how it’s set up. Do you have a Venus or Color Control connected to it? This will enable you to see why the unit is doing that. A big possibility is that the input voltage moves outside of the specified input voltage parameters, and then the multi would switch to inverter mode. If you don’t have a Venus or Color Control, use a multimeter to monitor the input voltage on the AC in terminals and see what happens.

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martincole avatar image
martincole answered ·

Thanks. The guy next door just turned off his Air con to his RV and everything returned to normal. I suspect like you say fluctuating voltage going below the threshold.

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