
solarchain avatar image
solarchain asked

Multiplus will not turn on after disconnecting multi control unit

Multiplus 3000/24 will not turn on. Recently disconnected my Multi control unit. Will not turn on either with the Multi control unit connected or when I try to turn on the unit only connected to the battery, all wires removed. lights on the front of the multi are not showing any status and no sounds indicating anything is starting when i switch the unit on manually. I am unable to connect to the multi using ve.configure3 or victron connect

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@SolarChain, the first thing to check will be the fuse at the battery - for your unit I would expect to see a ~200 or ~250A fuse between the battery and the MultiPlus, and it may well be that the fuse has blown.

While you're checking that, be sure to check all connections (check all your crimps and lugs and etc) and check for proper DC voltage at the MultiPlus connection bolts (check your battery voltage as well, of course, to ensure that your battery is sufficiently charged to be able to support its function).

One other thing that I can think of to check right away is the dipswitch settings on the main board inside the Multi; please check that they are set to 1:off, 2:on. If that's reversed (1:on, 2:off) I have seen Multis refuse to power on because they're looking for a remote on the system.

If you've checked those things and all is correct, then it may be time to contact your dealer or distributor for additional technical support.

2 |3000

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