
mrplick avatar image
mrplick asked

Does Cyrix-Li-Load 120A have voltage suppressor(flyback diode)

I will be using the Cyrix Li Load 120A for load disconnect from my Lithium battery's.

Does the cyrix have a built in voltage suppressor, flyback diode.

The manual is a bit unclear. It does say it has it but it is under the Cyrix Li CT part in the manual. Not sure if it applied to the Li-load.

And can the cyrix be mounted in any position or only in the vertical plane?


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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @mrplick

The cyrix has it's own control circuit, so yes, no external flyback diode needed.

It works in any position, but preferred is 'connections at the bottom' for preventing any water ingress.

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